This Is All I Want For Christmas

J. Scott Pyles
3 min readDec 21, 2022


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

This year I don’t want much. I would like to sit by a warm and cozy fire, sip a cocktail and reminisce about how life was easier just about 3 years ago…

Yeah. It’s true.

The pandemic changed a lot of things. A lot of it is invisible, but we see it all the more clearly now as the fallout is trickling down.

It’s as if everything went haywire after 2020 and we’re all trapped in this never-ending time warp.

It’s like a bad Nicolas Cage movie.

It’s not that hard to be a decent human being. I would rather see the world changed collectively than receive a bunch of gifts. What affects one person, affects the whole.

This is year is no different. We’ve got a lot to do, to make the world a better place.

But we can start small and branch out.

A lot of people are going on the naughty list. I don’t care though if they are. They’ve chosen that path. It’s up to them to find their way back.

If we want to see the world and the people living in it thrive in this century, then collective change must take place. Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something.

So here’s my wish list this year going into 2023. Better late, than never I suppose.

  1. I want everyone to start meditating. This may sound naive and cynical but it actually works. Meditation has been proven to reduce cortisol in the body and relieve stress and anxiety. We need to do this for each other. The world needs this.
  2. I want change on the local level. I see rampant violence, corruption, and flaws in my local jurisdiction and own city. It needs to stop. Our taxes shouldn’t go to corrupt politicians. It shouldn’t go to waste. It shouldn’t go to padding prisoners with luxury. Meanwhile, they can’t even put streetlights up or fill potholes in my city. It sucks.
  3. I want everyone to go do some therapy. I don’t care where. Just go do it. Go deep and do the inner work. Explore your shadow side and step into the light. You’ll be glad you did. Society will too.
  4. I want everyone to stop defrauding and scamming others. It’s getting old. Do something useful with your life…like maybe get a job.
  5. I want everyone to start caring about the environment more before it’s too late. If we don’t, there might not be a future world for your children to enjoy. You can start by planting a tree in your backyard.
  6. I want billionaires to start using our money to lower taxes and start paying their employees better. There’s no point in creating a better place off world if you can’t fix the current ones with the world we have.
  7. I want everyone to stop complaining about each other’s race, socioeconomic status, Twitter feed, and generation problems. We’re tired of it.
  8. I want everyone to stop writing articles about how much money they made in a single month by freelance writing. It gets old. It’s clickbait. We’ve seen it all and we’re tired of it.
  9. I want everyone to get off social media for at least one month. Yeah, you heard that right. That includes the influencers. We’re especially tired of you and could use a vacation. Maybe go on a camping trip, and not use your phone for once to document everything. That would be especially nice.
  10. I want everyone to spread more peace and love because that’s the American way.

I don’t think this is too much to ask for. For some it is.

I think we could all use this. It would ignite a dumpster fire of sorts. But positively.

Let’s see what happens…

Here’s to another year.



J. Scott Pyles
J. Scott Pyles

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