Sexbots are on the Rise
I asked my friend if he was ever planning on dating anyone soon. There were a few women in my circle who had a keen interest in him and wanted to know what his relationship status was. They had taken a liking to him and were curious.
He on the other hand was not.
It had been a while since he dated anyone. The last girlfriend he had cheated on him and would never tell the truth. She lied to him that she had a 7-year-old kid and that she had served time. She also would neglect to meet his needs in other more superficial ways if you catch my drift.
He wasn’t too impressed.
After a while, they broke up and he traveled to East Asia backpacking and squatting in poor communities doing volunteer work while scraping by. It wasn’t until a few months ago that he saw an ad for a sex bot rental while walking through the streets of Tokyo.
I remember it all too well.
He emailed me a photo of the ad with some funny emojis attached to it. I honestly thought it was hilarious at first thinking it was a gimmick, considering the way it was written and the way the “sexbot” appeared. A few weeks later I found out that my friend who was supposed to be back at home had spent an extra amount of time in Japan coaxing and more or less having fun with his newfound “plaything”.
The future of sex will never be the same
If you’ve ever seen the movie Blade Runner: 2049 you probably know where this is going.
Our society is bent on always having the biggest and brightest toys. We go online to shop for them all the time. We search for stuff we can never afford but wish we had. We pick and prod until we get our way. And when we get it, we complain that it’s not good enough.
Sounds a lot like sex for most people.
The next to pop up on your TikTok feed or Instagram suggestion will most likely be a sexbot. Manufacturers are already starting to make headway.
It’s not just going to be a scantily clad female with big boobs and fake lips. No…this isn’t something designed just for men’s pleasure, but for everyone.
It’s going to be annoying.
Your neighbor will probably own a sexbot and you may see it lounging with him or her next to the poolside in their backyard.
Your uncle or cousin who fell off the face of the earth and you haven’t heard from in years will probably have one.
Your stepmom might have one too.
It’s only a matter of time before another large company gets the patent and manufacturing rights to the AI that start pumping these robots out.
Sex will become a rare commodity
I’m talking about “real” sex…not artificial sex.
For those seeking pleasure, albeit orgasmic — it will be easy to fetch. For others who want true intimacy, compassion, and depth you might have to look elsewhere. You might have to be vulnerable. AI hasn’t yet reached that space. Someday it may be here though.
We already treat sex like it’s a thing to be marveled at and tossed around like garbage in one sitting. We treat those of the opposite sex in disdain, desiring that they subordinate to our preferred gender ideology. Then we go have a fling with the same person who posted incel and anti-feminism propaganda on Facebook.
We are already setting ourselves up for failure.
The very people who are creating the algorithms and programs for the AI are the ones who created the terrible dating apps, to begin with. They’re behind all the misery that pits us against each other in never-ending algorithmic hell.
I honestly can’t imagine the day when AI will become so irreplaceable that it will be hard to find a decent human being. But it will be here before you know it.
The world just isn’t that attuned to it yet. It’s supposed to make our lives so much easier, and one day it might, but it will also come at a price.
Sex was supposed to be fun
I’m not sure it will now. Everyone is trying to conform to industry standards of beauty. Women are getting any type of implant and injection you can think of. Men are mutilating their genitals for a bigger size. It’s happening everywhere, all at once.
People don’t look like people anymore.
Some are getting tattoos on their eyeballs. Gross…
I prefer a natural woman, but today they are hard to come by. It seems that everyone wants to look and feel a certain way but get way too bent out of shape when it comes to appearance and outward beauty standards.
Everyone wants to be politically correct about their looks but not take the blame for their lack of sexual integrity.
Don’t get me wrong. I think sexbots could be a great idea if done the right way. There are a lot of people out there that deserve great sex. They can’t find suitable partners or maybe they just don’t want a real one.
I can see the allure of toying with the idea. It goes against the norms but it can be a very private thing. It could also upend the beauty industry in many ways.
Depending on how one looks at it, it’s a controversial topic that we’re going to see played out for many years to come. We’ve somehow shot ourselves in the foot again when it comes to technology. This could end up being pretty sexy or just plain terrible.