How to Pickup Women at Target

J. Scott Pyles
12 min readFeb 7, 2021


David Suarez via Unsplash

I want to be straightforward. Target is by far one of the best places to find women. I know you are probably thinking, “Why not the grocery store?” or “Why not Barnes & Noble or my local coffee shop, or even West Elm?” I will get to that later. But first I want to explain why Target has a plethora of women just waiting to be found.

I have found every type of woman available at Target to meet and get their number with the purpose of going out on a date. Don’t get me wrong, I am no pickup artist. I just like meeting women. There are all kinds of women that frequent Target. I don’t have to tell you, as you can see for yourself. To this day, I have met many various women including a best-selling author, a post-college gym rat, a stay-at-home single mom, a knocked-up preggo, and a girl who not knowing at the time was a lesbian in hiding. More on that one later.

Before we get in the nitty-gritty I first want to break down why Target is the best place to go to pick up women. First, a little history:

Target was founded by George Draper Dayton, an entrepreneur from New York City. He started a shop called the Dayton Dry Goods Company in Minneapolis, which is known today as Target. Over the next century, it became one of the largest retail chains.

To put it simply, Target has been around for a while and knows what they are doing. One can easily walk in and find well-stocked shelves, clean aisles, and good quality products that attract a certain type of demographic. I don’t want to get into the mechanics of all that right now, but to say the least, Target has grown substantially over the years, and in part, it’s due to women.

Women love to shop. It makes them happy.

When meeting a woman for the first time, you’re going to want her to be in a happy mood. This heightens your chance for success.

There is a difference when it comes to meeting women at bars vs. Target. And one of them has to do with ambiance and mood.

This is one reason why it’s such a great place to meet them. When they go to Target, they are generally happy, in an upbeat mood and this is reflective of the types of products that Target sells.

Target just screams goodness.

Everything from the décor, lighting, to the ambiance, makes Target a great place to go and meet women.

Usually, when you walk into Target and depending on your neighborhood it is laid out in a certain way and a certain style. For instance, when you first walk in, you may find a Starbucks on your right and customer service to your left. The sights and sounds of Target can be seen immediately as a welcoming place, not just to do shopping, but to mingle. Retailers are moving more towards a lifestyle model where they have different restaurants, coffee shops, and hang-out spots for people to meet while they shop. Some Target stores are actually in mixed-use buildings with apartments and other restaurants. This provides easy access to shopping and meeting people. Why else would these retail chains put restaurants in their actual stores and build in already desirable communities? The answer lies in the changing demographics and the psychology of shopping. Most retailers design and plan the layout of their stores to keep you inside it, as opposed to outside of it. Just look at IKEA.

When you walk in a Target the best place to find women to talk to and get a number is usually not the check-out line or Starbucks (if they have one). Contrary to popular belief, it’s in the aisles and to the back of the store where the action is.

Here are 3 approaches to meeting women and facilitating a future meetup or date:

The Soft Kill

In some pickup circles, there is an approach known as the “Cold Approach”. I for one do not use this approach as it tends to have less of a response and just leads to you getting frustrated. Instead, I like to use the “Soft Kill” or a “Slow and Steady Wins the Race Approach”. This one is by far the easiest approach to take. I like to start by simply walking next to the girl and smiling. I will usually be holding an object or doing some shopping. This lets the girl know that I am not just here to bug her or to talk to her. Sometimes it can come off as being kind of creepy or too aggressive. So you want to be holding a product or shopping basket, maybe even a coffee. When I walk next to the girl I want to talk with, I make sure we make eye contact. I want to be sure to smile. If she smiles back then I have the green light to go ahead and go in for the “kill”.

Now I want to be clear here. In no way am I going up to the girl and asking her directly for her number. That would be silly. Eventually, you do want to get the number or at least set a date in time to meet. Just asking for her number right off the bat will lead to rejection more times than not. There have been times where I have done the cold approach and the woman would just smile, laugh and turn away. You don’t want this to happen of course.

By using the Soft Kill you are like a sneaky ninja. The key is getting inside the girl’s bubble and feeling her vibes. Usually, this happens within 5 feet. If you are down the end of the aisle and see her looking at items intently or strolling through the aisle at break-neck speed then this approach probably won’t work. This is a method for slow shoppers only. You want to feel her vibes. Is she angry? Startled? Calm? Confused? By getting close, but not too close, you can feel her vibes and get a feel for how you will open her. In pickup language, opening her up is essentially getting her to like you and talk. That’s it.

Next, you are going to smile again at her and move in. By now you are picking up on her vibes. If you sense that anything is off, I would just walk away. The key to this one is you have to feel like the woman without question is open to talking to you. Normally she will smile, play with her hair and her body language will be pointed toward you. She can’t be busy so much that she doesn’t notice you. Remember, the smile on her face and the body language is what’s most important here.

After you have gone in for the “kill” by opening her (asking her for more information, saying “hi”, random pick-up line, etc) I would step back and turn away for a few brief seconds. This lets her know that you aren’t coming on aggressively and you are breaking state. This allows her to wonder and be more curious.

When you come back the second time you are essentially repeating what I just mentioned above but for a second time in a row. You want to be able to slowly get the girl to warm up to you. This solidifies the interaction.

The Slow Dance

This one is one of my favorites. Yet it can be tricky. The Slow Dance involves a method of attracting what you want by letting it come to you. Similar to dance, this move is one that has high results. For this, I suggest only carrying around a little shopping basket rather than a cart. You want to be able to bail out of this one quickly in case it doesn’t work out. I have found myself running in the opposite direction when I have bombed this one.

For this approach to work, it is similar to the one above. Except that you are going to get the girl to open you! Fascinating, right? I have used this approach a few times and realized I wasn’t even doing it. The key is to be confident and smile a lot. Look like you know what you are doing and the women will follow you. It’s best to have someone spotted out and act as if you are going for the Slow Kill approach but before you say anything, you are going to walk up to the woman’s bubble (usually about 5 feet) and pretend to look at something on the shelf or drop one of your belongings on the floor such as keys or a scarf.

I know, this sounds counterintuitive and silly. But trust me it works.

You might be thinking that this is something a woman would do if they wanted to get a guy’s attention. It’s funny because I see this a lot in the movies and I think some women do this subconsciously.

For this, you want to be really conscious about everything you’re doing here. It’s a combination of reading her vibes and watching your vibes so closely that they mix and match well — hence the phrase “Slow Dance”.

Once you have the woman in your bubble, you are ready to dance.

This all happens within a matter of seconds and you have to be ready for it. You will pick up on this the more you do it. What will happen is that the woman will move closer to you. This is a sign of trust and attraction. She wants you to talk to her. Now, some women may actually approach you and say something. Others may just be trying to get something next to you. Some may just glance at you and turn away. But the ones who walk closer and smile and move within your bubble are the ones to start the dance with.

You will know it when you see it.

An example is when I am at the freezer aisle and a woman with a shopping cart is getting food out of the freezer to put in her cart. I notice her, drop something or pick up an item next to the woman to see if she steps forward toward me with her cart. If she is within 5 feet of me I begin the dance.

What this entails next is interesting. I am not going to walk up to the woman or say anything. I am just going to make eye contact, smile, and stand my ground.

This shows that I am confident and standing firm in my belief that she is going to approach me and say something.

Remember, this only works if you feel like the woman is going to talk to you. Not the other way around. You have to trust your gut on this one for it to happen. You have to be sensitive to what the woman is doing and feel out the vibes.

As I said, you will know when it happens. It’s so obvious.

I have had times where a woman approached me in the movie aisle and asked for recommendations for what movie to watch.

There have been times where a girl would walk toward me, look at me and smile, then say “excuse me”.

Excuse me?

Yeah, didn’t see that coming. Not.

She literally had the whole aisle to herself and I was the only one near her. You can probably tell that she wanted me to talk to her and say something.

Women will make it obvious without coming on too strong.

Remember to trust your gut and feel out the vibes.

The Help

This next one is funny. I find it fascinating that some girls go shopping together at Target. Normally you see couples or busy moms coming in like a train wreck getting their items then leaving like the apocalypse is about to happen and the world is gonna end.

Typically, you don’t want to mess with these types.

But there is one category I love and that is what I call the “friendlies”. These are usually at least 2 girls who are nonchalant and casually looking around at items in the store. One of them may have a shopping basket or they might just be walking in tandem meandering through the aisles.

For this one to work, you have to take the stance of surrendering the outcomes to the other person you don’t want to approach.

You want the person that you don’t desire to do the pickup for you.

This takes a lot of guts, let me tell you.

But in retrospect, this one is very easy considering that the one girl or friend that you don’t want could be a help in getting the other girl’s number for you.

To break it down you’re going to want to use all the approaches I’ve mentioned above, but this time you want to be not so coy and confident about it.

You want them to help you become the type of person she wants you to be.

Again, you are going to want to pick up on the vibes that the girl is sending off.

Is she tired? Bored? Frustrated? Is the other friend angry? Anxious? Calm?

You want to pick up on this right away and move in a steady yet unsure sort of way.

By going about it like this, you are making the other girl work for you by helping you to get to your goal. This essentially allows the girl you want to open up to you since her friend is helping you out and allowing you to move in and do your deeds. Since she trusts her friend she will trust you too.

This approach works well on women who often have a bit more masculinity and are a bit more aggressive. Some ways to point them out are women in high heels or business attire. They tend to exude bold confidence and are aware and present with their surroundings.

You can also do this with younger girls who are loud and trying to cause a scene. Or they may just be loud talkers and so in the present that they aren’t thinking about the people around them.

This is good.

You want to approach them normally using either technique above and whatever pickup line, statement, or question you have at your disposal. You are then going to center your focus on the girl that you don’t want to pickup. This might confuse some of you at first, but trust me, it works.

According to statics, women are generally more interested in a guy whose feelings are unclear. So stop spewing your feelings, and let her friend do the talking.

For this to work, simply walk up to the group of girls that you want to approach. They might be laughing near the clothes section or strolling along talking loud in the back of the store near the candy aisle.

But be sure to be coy. Don’t go in thinking that this will work. Just be funny, smile, and pretend like you don’t care about the outcomes.

What you are going to do next is interesting.

Simply walk up to the girl that isn’t the one you want and ask her a question or say something funny related to anything nearby. This will get her attention and cause the other girl you do want to become slightly jealous.

After bantering, using great communication, and body language, you are well on your way to getting the girl you do want in your favor.

By doing this you are building trust and rapport with the other girl you do want, simply by communicating to the other girl. This could take a while to establish trust, but once you get the wheels spinning it’s time to break state.

What I mean by this is directly turning your gaze and interest from the one girl to the other girl you do want.

Some might think this is unfair or manipulative.

But what you have been doing is communicating the whole time non-verbally to the girl you want. She sees you. She hears you. She knows by now after a short time that you are an attractive, capable, and funny man that can make things happen. This will spark her interest.

Once you break state with a simple gesture, funny comment, or even a direct question to the intended girl you want, begin to close the deal by getting her number.

Remember to always close the deal. This involves setting an actual same-day date, future date, or by getting a phone number. I personally like getting numbers but I am transitioning into setting actual dates on the spot.

There was a time that I mentioned above where I met a girl in the clearance aisle who was shopping for a wall piece for her new bedroom. She had just moved into town and was looking for decorations. I used the Soft Kill approach on her and she responded positively. I immediately set up a date for that weekend on the spot. Later, it turned out that she was a lesbian. I didn’t know it at the time but had I not stalked her Facebook profile later I would not have seen the photos or the fact that she was going through a divorce with her husband. So be careful. Some women you meet might not be a great match for you even if they are great people and at first glance, you might be interested in talking to them. Mishaps like this can happen, but at the end of the day, the goal is to go after what you want and get a number. That’s it. That’s what pickup is all about. It’s about confidence, beliefs, and going against the status quo.

Remember, women like it when you show interest in them.

It’s a basic human need. We long to feel connected, loved, and cared for. As long as you put yourself out there, go with the flow, and put yourself in the girl’s shoes you can expect great results. See you in aisle A9.



J. Scott Pyles
J. Scott Pyles

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