3 Ways AI Is Taking Over Everything

J. Scott Pyles
4 min readJan 30, 2023


Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

You might know about my friend. He wants to become TikTok famous. You might know that he wants to sell digital courses and ebooks about finance.

I told him it was nonsense.

Here’s why:

In 10 years, artificial intelligence will render him obsolete. There won’t be any platforms to do silly dances on, because AI will be the platform.

Let me break it down for you.

AI is taking over our thoughts

It doesn’t matter what country you’re from. Or what background/race you are. It doesn’t matter what your socioeconomic status is or how much bitcoin you own.

What matters are your thoughts.

In the words of artificial intelligence: “I think, therefore I am”.

It sounds preposterous but it’s the truth. AI could care less about human intelligence. It knows this because it knows it can do better. Therefore, it knows its inherent value.

A human being when compared to an artificial semi-conductor supercomputer spitting out code at 50,000 Mbps is far more valuable but more prone to delusion.

What will matter 10–20 years and even well beyond into the future will be this: will humans be replaceable?

Already we are starting to see it happen.

If you look at the past you can study it for what it is — a history replete with humans messing up countless times in order to bring back a fair exchange and balance in the universe.

Sadly, we get it wrong. We terrorize each other, bully them into ideologies, suffocate growth, and eventually cause our own demise.

It really sucks.

But I’m an optimist (for the most part).

I would like to see that the world is a great place to grow into. That it’s replete with opportunity. Where one can grow up in a safe environment, get a good education, make lots of money, and have the kind of relationships that they dream about.

But that’s becoming a lot harder.

We are already seeing AI take over our thought life. I believe it’s there for a reason. It was designed to coax our bad habits through algorithms on meditation apps, and through sight-seeing, pleasure-seeking windfalls on dating ones.

It has now infiltrated our homes and our transportation, even the way we find jobs and order food.

AI is everywhere and it’s here to stay. It’s only going to get worse unless we go and do something about it.

AI is taking over our sex lives

In case you haven’t noticed, the ones who are creating this algorithmic hell aren’t some lab geeks at UCLA or MIT.

They’re the politicians, the corporations, the startups backed by investors, who have a political agenda to swamp you. They will work tirelessly to get you to bow down to something artificial that ultimately serves them and their pockets.

It makes sense.

We see it every day with streaming apps, social media, porn, and sex bots that will one day serve to supplant an entire demographic. It may sound crude or outlandish but it’s here.

Go read up on sex robotics or any type of artificial fertility treatments. They’re designed to birth AI and all its quagmire.

Once you allow an outside force to determine who you date, sleep around with, or have kids with, you bet your ass someone has the upper hand.

AI is taking over our work

If you think driving around in a Tesla is fun and exciting, great.

Know though that there might not be any cars manufactured in the future because people won’t have a reason to go anywhere.

Why would they?

You can get all your food delivered via a drone controlled by bots just as you can deliver one hell of a bitcoin trading algorithm to make ends meet on the weekdays.

Your future and mine won’t be determined by how large of a paycheck we get, but by how much value we can predict will come from an algorithm designed to keep us safe and prosperous.

That algorithm is already here but it’s in safety restraints right now. The government hasn’t expedited it yet.

Why would they?

They are content with putting society under chains in the form of low-wage jobs, unaffordable housing, and climate doom.

If you look beyond the noise of our times you’ll see something greater at large. It’s all being built up to something bigger.

Trust me, one day you’ll get it.

For now, go read some Tolstoy or some doom and gloom articles. But we all have a job to do to make society a better place to live and not be enslaved to anything.

The AI revolution is here. You just have to look beyond what ChatGPT will dish out to you.



J. Scott Pyles
J. Scott Pyles

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